Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quickly Add New Series in a Graph

Want to add another series in a graph, a quicker way? Here it is. Instead of right clicking on the graph, choosing source data and use the add series, you could do this.

  1. Select the series to be added.
  2. Point the cursor to the side (until it becomes an arrow).
  3. Click and drag to the graph.
  4. You have successfully added the series!
you can then change the labels. You can also do this for other series. Also, you can select more than one column or row at a time and drag.
Happy computing!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Copying Sheets the Quick Way

Want to have different sheets with the same or similar content? Here's one way to do it! Of course, you could always select all, copy, then paste to the other sheet. But, here's a quicker way (for me anyways).

CTL-LEFT CLICK the sheet you want to copy and then drag. You'll get an exact copy of the sheet with a name "OrigName(1)", "OrigName(2)", etc.

What's the use of this?Well, for one, if you should have similar sheets every month. You can create a sheet with the needed format, then do this copy sheet and just rename the sheets afterwards.

Hope this helps! If you have other ways, don't hesitate to share. We're all here to learn and share!

Finding a Maximum Value with a Condition ("MaxIF")

Very similar to last post. the "MinIf" function, if you want to get the maximum value with a condition then use this formula!

Assume data is in A1:A5 and want to get the maximum value BELOW 12,000, then.


Again, use CTL-SHIFT-ENTER to convert into an array formula and your done!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Minimum Value Excluding Zero ("MinIf" function)

Ever confronted trying to find the minimum value excluding zero? Specially using downloaded metered data, there are times when you want to get the lowest value (with the exception of power interruption in which case it is zero). So how do we go about it in excel?

Here's the formula!

Assuming data is in cells E11-E18, then:


Basically, this formula says that, get minimum value IF the number in the array is greater than zero. If it is zero or below, do not consider it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: then instead of using only the enter key, use CTL-SHIFT-ENTER. This will convert the formula into an ARRAY FORMULA which will make this work. You can see if it is succesfully converted to array formula if you see a bracket enclosing the formula.

This formula can also be used with different conditions. This is one "MIN IF" formula.

Hope this helps! Note: You can also use this concept to create a "MAX IF" formula.
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