Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to increase or decrease values in excel without using formulas

Let's say you have to increase all the values in a worksheet to 10%. You can of course use a formula and multiply the value by 1.10. There is an alternate way, however, that you might like to use.
This will be useful specially when you need the new values without the formula. Use the excel paste special function. Yes, you've read it right,the paste special function!

Here's how to us this tool. First input the value in a cell, in this case the value 1.10. Copy this cell, then select all cells which contains the value to be changed and then right click. Choose paste special.
A dialog box will come up. Choose "multiply".
Click "OK". Now you're done! All your values are now 10% higher. All values are multiplied by 1.10. 
This can also be used to add, subtract, and divide the values by clicking the appropriate option buttons.

Happy computing!

Excel through the years

Let's take a break from our excel tips and look a bit about microsoft excel history. Below are images of how previous versions of excel looked like. A trip down excel memory lane.

1987- Excel 2.0

1990 - Excel 3.0 
1992 - Excel 4.0

1993 - Excel 5.0
1995 - Excel for Windows 95 (version 7.0)
1997 - Excel 97

1999 - Excel 2000 (version 9.0)
May 31, 2001 - Excel 2002 (version 10.0)
October 21, 2003 - Excel 2003 (version 11.0)
November 30, 2006 - Excel 2007 (Version 12.0)
Excel 2010

There it is. Excel through the years! 

Autosum shortcut

One of the most used formulas in excel is the sum function. Do you know that there is a shortcut that you can use to sum up a column or row of data aside from typing the =sum( ) function? Well, aside from clicking the autosum button , you can use this shortcut:


It will automatically sum all the numbers for the rows or the column.

Try it.

Happy computing!

Friday, May 27, 2011

5 Useful excel formulas for manipulating text

Excel has a lot of useful formulas for manipulating text. I'll cover some of the more useful ones. And most of which I often use.

1. Convert text to upper case.
    Excel has a function to convert text to all uppercase. And it is so easy, the formula is simply:

     =UPPER ("text")

    so to change a text in let's say A1, then just use =UPPER (A1). If cell A1 contains "excel", it becomes "Excel" on the cell with the formula.

2. Convert to proper case.
     Sometimes, you want to change to capital all the first letters of a phrase, sentence or group of words   such as titles. Here's a way to do this, use the formula:

  For example, if the text is "excel", then it becomes "Excel". If it is a sentence, a phrase, or group of words, it will capitalize the first letter of the first words. Example, "happy computing everyone" becomes "Happy Computing Everyone" (Quite useful for titles).

3. Extract left part of a text.
    If you want to extract part of a string then you can use this formula:

   =LEFT("text",number of letters)

  For example if cell A1 contains "ExcelEngineering" and you want only to get excel, then you can use this formula to extract "excel",


   in other words, get 5 letters, starting from the LEFT from the text in A1..

4. Extract right part of a text.
    Very similar to the post above, but instead you start counting from the right.

   =RIGHT("text",number of letters)

   If cell A1 still contains "ExcelEngineering" and you want only to get "ring", then you can use this    formula to extract "ring",


   in other words, get 4 letters, starting from the RIGHT from the text in A1..

5. Extract anywhere in the text or string

   If you want to extract a text starting from any point in the string - not necessarily from the right or from the left, then use the function:

     =MID(text,position, number of letters)

  Using the same example of A1 with the word "excelegineering", if you want to extract the word   "engine", then use this formula:


    in other words, start on the 6th letter of the text in A1(starting from the left) and get 6 letters.

 Happy computing!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Add a Drop-Down List in Excel 2007,2010

Ever wondered how some worksheets have some drop-down list? Do you have to learn a very complicated macro or programming to do it on your own worksheet? Worry not, it is so easy. After learning this, you will be able to add this to your worksheet and make your worksheet look professional (and hopefully more user friendly). Here's the procedure.

  1. Input all the data you want included in the drop-down list in a series of cells (example: A1:A5)
  2. Click on the DATA tab in the ribbon
  3. Select Data Validation
  4. On the settings tab of the data validation dialog box, under "allow", choose list
  5. Under the source box, input the list  of data (in this case A1:A5)
  6. Now, you have a drop-down list. Well done!
Data validation on the ribbon
Data validation dialog box
Drop-down list in excel

    Now, your worksheets will look more professional and you'll look more like an excel expert!

    Happy Computing!

    Automatically Insert Current Time and Date in a Worksheet

    If you want to display the current time and date in excel automatically, then just use this formula:


    This will return the current date and time in the format that you set in your windows preferences. If, on the other hand, you only want to see the date, then just use this formula:


    Here is a sample output of each formula:

    Now()   : 5/21/2011 12:41
    Today() : 5/21/2011

    Happy Computing!

    How to use Excel VLOOKUP

    One of my most used formula in excel is the VLOOKUP formula. Basically what this formula does is that it returns a certain value from a table given a specific value.

    A very simple example would be like this.
    Assuming you have this table:

    If you want to choose from the table given the number, then we can use VLOOKUP this way.

    =Vlookup("1",A1:B4,2,False), this will result in "Apples"

    In layman's terms, it means

    =Vlookup("what to lookup for?", "what table?", "what column to get the results", "don't expect sorted data")

    you can use a formula at the first argument to reference to another cell.

    Now try it!

    Happy Computing!

    Quick Auto Sum in Excel

    Want to use a keyboard shortcut to quickly sum up a column or row of data? Here's how:
    • Go to the end of the row or column (first cell with no values)
    • Press Alt-= (Alt and equal sign)
    • Auto sum is immediately inserted.
    • Done!
      Quick. Effective. Simple.

      Happy Computing!

      Quick Navigation in Excel (Control Key)

      If you want to go to the last data in a row or column, simply use this combination:

      Ctrl-Arrow key.

      Example, if you are at the top of the column and you want to go to the last data of that column (before any break), then use the Ctrl-Arrow Down. If you were at the bottom, then use Ctrl-Arrow up.

      Same rules for Ctrl-Left Arrow and Ctrl-Right Arrow.

      Now it's quicker to navigate highly populated sheets!

      Happy Computing!

      Highlight All Cells Referenced by a Formula

      Here's a quick shortcut to highlight all cells referenced by a formula. Go to the cell with the formula then hit

      Ctrl-[ (control and open square bracket).

      You will see all referenced cells highlighted. To move to the next selection (highlighted cell), simply press enter.

      Very useful for auditing worksheets!

      TIP: If you want to determine the OPPOSITE of it- that is formulas that reference the current cell  then simply use:

      Ctrl-] (control and close square bracket)

      Very useful for auditing sheets!

      Happy computing!

      Thursday, May 19, 2011

      Add Bullets in Excel

      Ever wondered how to add bullets in excel? It's so easy to do it in microsoft word. But how about excel?
      Here's how.

      On the selected cell, press Alt-0149. It will insert a bullet. Continue doing so for other cells or just copy paste the bullet and then add the text.

      • Alt-0149
      • Copy paste
      • Or just repeat the key combination.

        Works on all excel versions.

          Happy computing!

          Display all formulas in a sheet with a single key combination!

          Want to show all formulas within a sheet with just a sing key combination? Yes! With this combination, you can toggle this to display the results or the formula.

          Here it is Ctrl - ~ (it's ctrl key and the tilde, key before "1").

          That's it, you can now conveniently see and hide the formulas in your sheet.

          Works with any version of excel.

          Happy Computing!
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